以色列当代艺术基金会、中央美术学院美术馆、哥伦比亚大学、康奈尔大学美术馆、 、美国新泽西洲文化中心、英国木版画基金会、中国美术馆、今日美术馆、四川美术馆、广东美术馆、关山月美术馆、安徽省美术馆、炎黄艺术馆、悦美术馆、观澜版画基地 、上海海上山艺术中心、上海尔冬强版画中心等海内外机构和各国私人藏家收藏。
The artist works collected by The Art Museum of CAFA, Columbia University, The Art Museum of Cornell University, Contemporary Art Foundation of Israel, Cultural Center of New Jersey, USA, Wood Engraving Foundation of Britain, National Art Museum of China, Today Art Museum, Sichuan Art Museum, Guangdong Museum of Art, Guan Shanyue Art Museum, Anhui Art Museum, Yanhuang Art Museum, Enjoy Museum of Art, Guanlan Printmaking Base, Xuyuan Printmaking Base, Shanghai Haishangshan Art Center, Shanghai Deke Erh Printmaking Center,etc. institutions and private collectors from all over the world.