
来源: iapa.cafa.edu.cn 时间:

关于这次年展,由评委朱迪思·布罗迪(Judith Brodie)进行关于木版画艺术史的深入探讨,以及对于此次展出的评审标准的解答。朱迪思提出在2017北美版画双年展评审中,她着重本着对于版画各种类的多样延伸性的评审标准进行评定,而并非只停留在制作技巧中。对于制作中艺术家的艺术行为过程可能是在版画最终呈现中的另一个绝佳的探索角度。此次展出中除了木版,铜版,丝网印制以及石版画外,还加入了涉及版画延伸体的雕塑作品。从这个层面上也将会是版画领域的跨界研究角度。
评委朱迪思·布罗迪(Judith Brodie)国家美术馆现代版画和绘画策展人。她已经组织和协作了许多艺术家展览,包括“绘画世纪:从德加到莱维特的纸上作品”,“新闻的震撼”以及“是,否,也许:艺术家的工作”。之前朱迪思·布罗迪在美国国家艺术博物馆和费城艺术博物馆就职。并在罗德岛设计艺术学院教授版画。

About the Boston Printmakers 2017 NorthAmerican Print Biennial
Presenting the best in contemporary andtraditional printmaking, the North American Print Biennial has long beenrecognized as one of the most prestigious
events in printmaking. Founded in1947, the mission of the Boston Printmakers is to promote public knowledge ofprintmaking, encourage and support artists
working in printmaking, and promoteexcellence and innovation within the field of printmaking.
Judith Brodie, Curator of Modern Prints andDrawings at the National Gallery of Art, has organized and collaborated on manyexhibitions, including A Century
of Drawing: Works on Paper from Degas to LeWitt,Shock of the News, and Yes, No, Maybe: Artists Working at Crown Point Press.Prior to coming to the Gallery,
Brodie worked at the National Museum ofAmerican Art and the Philadelphia Museum of Art. She was a visiting artist atBirgit Skiöld’s Print Workshop in London,
and taught printmaking at the RhodeIsland School of Design before becoming a curator.
