Peter Bosteels




Peter Bosteels (59) is a wood engraver and professor in printmaking for more than thirty years. After obtaining an MFA and a PHD in Arts, he was appointed subsequently assistant lecturer, lecturer, and senior lecturer in printmaking at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts in Antwerp, Belgium. From 1998 on he has been appointed Head of the Printmaking Department. He was elected as member of the Departmental Council for several terms, as well as of the institutional body of the Royal Academy of Fine Arts in Antwerp and is member of various internal and external committees and councils: Committee of international relations; IAPA and IPI (founding member); KoMASK (Royal Society for the Promotion of the Arts) (board member); ARTos (president). For several decades he has been invited, both nationally and internationally, as a guest lecturer, member of jury or as participant and curator of exhibitions.



Artistic Works


Basta King Lear



 Martyr I


Martyr II


Martyr III


Martyr V





Icarus has fallen




The visitor




Holding back



The new robes of the Empress



Jardin Clos





La main innocente


 Ex Voto


Les ombrilistes/ The navel gazers


 Cycle I, Lunar / Cycle II, Female / Cycle III, Male / Cycle IV, Just Breath! / Cycle V, Endless count




Het kwezelken (The Beguine)